Sunday, April 12, 2009

Radford Farmer's Market Kickoff-April 18th

So, I'm planning on attending the kickoff to the 2009 season this Saturday, April 18th. I'll most likely be there every other week, but I MAY end up there every week despite not wanting to wake up that early on Saturdays.

If you're in the area and need more info, check it out here: [LINK]

This year, instead of being Lunachick the entire while, I've decided to switch it up and be Kawaii Cupcake every other time I go. I figure I'll reach twice the customers this way, ya' know?

Being laid off gives you LOTS of free time, so I've been working on lots of things for my cute lil' shop in hopes that I can start moving more of it soon. I've worked on my prices and think the ones I've come up with are fair to both myself and to potential customers.

I'm also offering free shipping on all necklaces and none of them are over $15, so check em out here: Kawaii Cupcake's Shop

1 comment:

audreyscountrycrafts said...

That pic looks so yummy!! Good luck at the farmer's market. Wish we had one out here.